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info@rusetavern.com.au / PH - 02 4626 8294


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  • Great food, great staff, and the patrons are friendly. I recommend that all who haven't been to Ruse Tavern this year to come back now and you won't regret it.  


  • A proud Ruse resident for 34 years, Noyce said he could trust the regulars at Ruse Tavern to keep him on his toes.

    "Blokes are only too happy to egg me on; I think that's all good fun. If the Sharks win they don't say too much but if the team loses they give it to me." he said.

    "But that's the great thing about Campbelltown. They're just proud to have someone from the area involved in footy and they really do support me."

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  • My family and I had dinner last weekend and i just want to congratulate you and your staff with a job WELL DONE. The food is great, and the customer service we received was great. People are always quick to tell you what you do wrong but never seem to compliment when things are great. Well done Ruse Tavern, we will be back!


id25Ruse Tavern supports the responsible service and consumption of alcohol ID 25.